
Total Solar Eclipse, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, April 8, 2024

I drove from Nashville to Cape Girardeau, Missouri, for the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. It would be the first time I had been back to Cape Girardeau since my raftmates and I stopped there during our raft trip on the way to New Orleans in 1981.

To capture the eclipse, I brought a solid tripod, my Nikon D750 camera, and a Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6 lens. I also had a 16.5-stop solar lens filter. My exposures prior to and after totality (with the solar filter in place) were set at f/16 at 1/250 sec. During totality, without the solar filter, the exposures were at f/16 at 1/60 sec.

eclipse 1
eclipse 2
eclipse 3
eclipse 4
eclipse 5
eclipse 6